Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yahoo..........You can buy..!!!!

            Yes you can buy so many things on this new year as a Diwali gift if you have!!!! But you can buy because it is going to sell., one of the popular and famous e commerce company. And it is China's biggest e-commerce company and they will going to bid to purchase the Yahoo!! about 40% of share.

            After so much competition on internet and biggest, and  competitors like Google and Facebook. Because of these reason, it is too difficult to maintain the revenue every year. 

In 2008 revenue of Yahoo $ 7,209 billion  

In 2009 revenue of Yahoo $ 6,460 billion 

            You can see that yahoo lose its position in web-market. After so much competition of Google and amazing creativity of google, yahoo came in second place in the ranking of search engine in USA. Now Yahoo wants to come in Asia Pacific market by the is one of the greatest e-commerce site after ebay in Asia Pacific. But I thought that no one can beat google's simplicity by any effort. Because to become simple is too difficult. May God Bless to otherwise another flop story may write in future like msn, and bing...!!