Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Waterfall Model

The waterfall model was first defined by Winston W. Royce in 1970 and has been widely used for software projects ever since.  Royce's original model is shown on the right.

  1. It is classical model that is also known as the one shot model or once through model.
  2. Sequence of activity "Top - Bottom".
  3. Favored by some managements because it creates natural milestones at the end of each phase.
  4. It was the first model which was introduce in 1970 and still widely used in Software Engineering.
  5. Divided into several separate process phase.
  6. All the methods and processes undertaken in waterfall model are more visible.
  7. Various Software Development approaches define and designed which are used durig develpoment process of software. 
                                                  - " Software Development Process Model "